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Musica y trenes

Moderador: 241-2001

Nota 11 Jun 2020 17:53

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
El mundo de la "Americana music" (folk, blues, country, etc.) está bastante lleno de trenes. Aquí tenemos aJoan Baez.

Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 11 Jun 2020 17:55

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Y continuando en Norteamérica, el viejo "New River Train".

Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 11 Jun 2020 18:00

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Otro clásico: Last Train from Poor Valley.

Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 11 Jun 2020 18:06

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Un clásico aún más conocido. Chatanooga choo choo:

Última edición por vinopeleon el 11 Jun 2020 18:23, editado 1 vez en total
Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 11 Jun 2020 18:10

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Famosísimo blues de Robert Johnson.

Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 11 Jun 2020 18:13

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Y aquí tenemos nuevamente a Joan Baez:

Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 11 Jun 2020 18:17

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
¡y los Beatles! The one after 909

Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 11 Jun 2020 18:18

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Y Cat Stevens con aquel Tren de la Paz:

Última edición por vinopeleon el 26 Jul 2022 21:56, editado 2 veces en total
Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 11 Jun 2020 18:44

Mensajes: 17
Registrado: 22 Ene 2020 20:01
Una mitica y muy manida:

Nota 13 Jun 2020 08:16

Mensajes: 920
Ubicación: Alcorcon
Registrado: 19 Jun 2009 10:42
Del archivo de TVE.
Amame cuando menos lo merezca, tal vez sea cuando mas lo necesito. (anonimo)

Nota 13 Jun 2020 08:21

Mensajes: 920
Ubicación: Alcorcon
Registrado: 19 Jun 2009 10:42
Y como no .... Sabina
Yo me bajo en Atocha ....
Amame cuando menos lo merezca, tal vez sea cuando mas lo necesito. (anonimo)

Nota 13 Jun 2020 08:31

Mensajes: 920
Ubicación: Alcorcon
Registrado: 19 Jun 2009 10:42
Y la historia mas triste de una cancion ....
Amame cuando menos lo merezca, tal vez sea cuando mas lo necesito. (anonimo)

Nota 17 Jun 2020 13:45

Mensajes: 511
Registrado: 03 Jul 2014 20:00

Nota 23 Jun 2020 22:03

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Creo que astaba también en otro hilo, pero viene bien ponerlo aquí. Una canción que no tiene nada que ver con el tren, pero en un vídeo donde se puede disfrutar de una preciosa Baldwin del Ferrocarril Ecuatoriano corriendo a ritmo de cumbia. Y todo ello con aroma de café.

Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 21 Abr 2021 07:39

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Hoy el señor Youtube me ha recordado una vieja canción country: Wabash Cannonball, en este vídeo plagado de trenes de vapor (aunque algunos sean europeos)

From the great Atlantic ocean to the wide Pacific shore
She climbs a flowery mountains o'er the hills and by the shore
She's mighty tall and handsome she's known quite well by all
She's a regular combination on the Wabash Cannonball
Listen to the jingle, the rumble and the roar
As she glides along the woodland o'er the hills and by the shore
Hear the mighty rush of the engine hear those lonesome hoboes call
Traveling through the jungle on the Wabash Cannonball
Well she came down from Birmingham one cold December day
As she pulled into the station you could hear all the people say
She's from Tennessee she's long and she's tall
She came down from Birmingham on the Wabash Cannonball
Here's to daddy Claxton may his name forever stand
And always be remembered in the courts throughout the land
His earthly race is over and the curtains round him fall
We'll carry him home to Dixie on the Wabash Cannonball
Listen to the jingle, the rumble and the roar
As she glides along the woodland o'er the hills and by the shore
Hear the mighty rush of the engine hear those lonesome hoboes call
Traveling through the jungle on the Wabash Cannonball
Última edición por vinopeleon el 26 Abr 2021 21:03, editado 1 vez en total
Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 23 Abr 2021 19:20

Mensajes: 906
Registrado: 20 Jul 2008 20:02
Los maravillosos Claudina y Alberto Gambino.

Un saludo

Nota 26 Abr 2021 18:36

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Vuelvo a la carga con el country:

Es la leyenda de un tren fantasma que descarriló en un viaducto de madera cuando acudía a salvar a 100 mineros atrapados en un derrumbre.

On one cold and rainy night I was sitting in the light
Of my switchman’s shack on my post on the mountain
The storm was pretty bad and the telephone was dead
And it was just eleven hours ’til the dawning.

Then much to my surprise the telegraph jumped back to life
As I read the code I thought could this be true
A train was on it’s way headed up the mountain grade
But she didn’t have no engineer or crew.

At the other switch they tried to put her on the mountainside
But she kept on coming up the mountain grade
I quickly doused the light to try to see into the night
Maybe I could spot her headlight in the rain.

She was pounding down below I could hear her whistle blow
And I thought lord what a high and mournful sound
Then the telegraph began There’s a cave-in at the mine
And a hundred men are buried beneath the ground
Lord she’s coming now I see around the bend and straight at me
And her boiler’s glowing red as coal in hell
The headlight’s switching wide searching all the mountainside
But the only sound she’s making is the wail

Then I recognize the train by the number and the name
It’s the Miner’s Silver Ghost Old 41
Then she vanished up the track by the lonely switchman’s shack
Like a mother who is looking for her son

Now I heard the story of an engine that went to glory
Over fifty years ago on this same night
She was steaming for the cave-in there were men that needed saving
But it missed the curve and trestle near the mine.

And every now and then you’ll hear her whistle on the wind
If the mountain slides and many men are lost
It’s the high and lonely wailing searching up and down the mountain
The train they call the call the Miner’s Silver Ghost
Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 27 Abr 2021 18:00

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34

New York Central (Ghost of the Rails)

With names that will be timeless
They were built sleek and fast
Streamlined for the future
And fueled by the past
They were tall as iron giants
Cloaked in their steel shrouds
Like chariots from the future
Arriving on misty clouds
New York Central
Rail and machine
Fire, smoke, and steam
New York Central
Ghosts of the Rails
From New York to Chicago
Traveling along the rails
You could smell the history in the air
With each breath that you'd inhaled
Like a noble knight
Of olden days
With his armor, and his shield
And four hundred thousand pounds
Of iron, chrome, and steel
New York Central
Rail and machine
Fire, smoke, and steam
New York Central
Ghosts of the Rails
With miles of cars behind them
Faster than ever before
The twentieth Century Limited
Majestic Commodore
I remember the mighty Mercury
Like it was yesterday
The train of tomorrow
Dressed in gleaming grey
New York Central
Rail and machine
Fire, smoke, and steam
New York Central
Ghosts of the Rails
New York Central
Rail, and machin
Fire, smoke, and steam
New York Central
Ghosts of the Rails
Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 28 Abr 2021 16:45

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Y otra más.

Railroad Of America

Moving On Down The Line
Forging Through Birch And Pine
Train Tracks Twist
Through Cool Mountain Mist
That's The Railroad Of America
Railroad Of America
Traveling Through The Land I Love
Train Tracks Twist
Through Cool Mountain Mist
That's The Railroad Of America
Stretching Out Mile By Mile
Town Folk Just Wave And Smile
Rivers, Lakes And Streams
Smoke, Steel And Steam
That's The Railroad Of America
Railroad Of America
Traveling Through The Land I Love
Rivers, Lakes And Streams
Smoke, Steel And Steam
That's The Railroad Of America
Moving On Down The Line
Forging Through Birch And Pine
Train Tracks Twist
Through Cool Mountain Mist
That's The Railroad Of America
Railroad Of America
Traveling Through The Land I Love
Train Tracks Twist
Through Cool Mountain Mist
That's The Railroad Of America
That's The Railroad Of America
That's The Railroad Of America
Sex, Trains & Rockandroll

Nota 29 Abr 2021 15:52

Mensajes: 1128
Ubicación: Madrid
Registrado: 02 Sep 2008 07:34
Un vídeo del Norfolw & Western, que fue de los últimos en abandonar el vapor en EEUU.
(Este tiene la letra incluida)

Sex, Trains & Rockandroll


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