Índice general Foros Digital, Electricidad e Informática Descodificador DCC para 8 señales con Arduino

Descodificador DCC para 8 señales con Arduino

Moderador: 241-2001

Mensajes: 22
Registrado: 12 Dic 2018 13:30
Hola ,
Sigo leyendo mucho aqui, y de vez en cuando pregunto para resolver las dudas planteadas, y aunque ya he preguntado en el hilo "Memorizar posición de los servos al encender arduino." al encontrar un programa muy similar en este hilo, pero para 8 componentes y usando las señales analogicas A...A5, como salida, entiendo la utilizacion de las 8 salidas.

Pero en este caso tambien uso Arduino para mover desvios con servos, y utilizo el UNO R3, pero cuando veo las conexiones "attach" para las bobinas, y veo salidas por los pin 22, 23, 24,......pues me pierdo pues solo veo que desde la 2 que usa las entradas DCC, tengo la posibilidad de utilizar hasta la 13 , teniendo solamente 10 posibilidades, aunque utilizarse las salidas analogicas me daria para 16 salidas pero como hay que usar dos por cada bobina pues se queda en 8 y no alcanzo a ver mas, adjunto el codigo para que se vea mas claro lo que intento solicitar:

// Arduino DCC Solenoid Switch Decoder.
// Author: Ruud Boer - January 2015
// This sketch turns an Arduino into a DCC decoder to drive max 8 dual coil solenoid switches.
// The DCC signal is optically separated and fed to pin 2 (=Interrupt 0). Schematics: http://www.mynabay.com
// Many thanks to http://www.mynabay.com for publishing their DCC monitor and -decoder code.

// IMPORTANT: GOTO lines 17 and 40 to configure some data!

#include <DCC_Decoder.h>
#define kDCC_INTERRUPT 0

const byte maxaccessories=10; //The number of switches you want to control with this Arduino

typedef struct
int address; // Address to respond to
byte output; // State of accessory: 1=on, 0=off (for internal use only)
int outputPin; // Arduino output pin
int outputPin2; // Arduino output pin2, used for solenoid junctions
byte highlow; // State of outputpin: 1=HIGH, 0=LOW
byte highlow2; // State of outputpin2: 1=HIGH, 0=LOW
boolean finished; // Memory location that says the oneshot is finished
boolean finished2; // Memory location that says the second oneshot (for solenoid) is finished
int durationMilli; // ms flash time
unsigned long onMilli; // for internal use
unsigned long offMilli; // for internal use
DCCAccessoryAddress accessory[maxaccessories];

// Initialization: COPY - PASTE the structure as many times as you have switches and fill in the values you want.
void ConfigureDecoderFunctions() // The amount of accessories must be same as in line 26 above!
accessory[0].address = 1;
accessory[0].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[0].outputPin = 3;
accessory[0].outputPin2 = 4;
accessory[0].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[0].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[0].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[0].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[0].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[1].address = 2;
accessory[1].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[1].outputPin = 5;
accessory[1].outputPin2 = 6;
accessory[1].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[1].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[1].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[1].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[1].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[2].address = 3;
accessory[2].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[2].outputPin = 7;
accessory[2].outputPin2 = 8;
accessory[2].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[2].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[2].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[2].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[2].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[3].address = 4;
accessory[3].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[3].outputPin = 9;
accessory[3].outputPin2 = 10;
accessory[3].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[3].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[3].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[3].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[3].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[4].address = 5;
accessory[4].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[4].outputPin = 11;
accessory[4].outputPin2 = 12;
accessory[4].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[4].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[4].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[4].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[4].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[5].address = 6;
accessory[5].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[5].outputPin = 13;
accessory[5].outputPin2 = 14;
accessory[5].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[5].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[5].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[5].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[5].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[6].address = 7;
accessory[6].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[6].outputPin = 15;
accessory[6].outputPin2 = 16;
accessory[6].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[6].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[6].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[6].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[6].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[7].address = 8;
accessory[7].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[7].outputPin = 17;
accessory[7].outputPin2 = 18;
accessory[7].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[7].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[7].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[7].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[7].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[8].address = 9;
accessory[8].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[8].outputPin = 19;
accessory[8].outputPin2 = 20;
accessory[8].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[8].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[8].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[8].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[8].output = 0; // Do not change this value

accessory[9].address = 10;
accessory[9].durationMilli = 250;
accessory[9].outputPin = 21;
accessory[9].outputPin2 = 22;
accessory[9].highlow = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[9].highlow2 = 0; // Do not change this value
accessory[9].finished = false; // Do not change this value
accessory[9].finished2 = true; // Do not change this value
accessory[9].output = 0; // Do not change this value

// Setup output pins
for(int i=0; i<maxaccessories; i++)
if( accessory[i].outputPin )
pinMode( accessory[i].outputPin, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( accessory[i].outputPin, HIGH);
if( accessory[i].outputPin2 )
pinMode( accessory[i].outputPin2, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( accessory[i].outputPin2, HIGH);
} // END ConfigureDecoderFunctions

// DCC packet handler
void BasicAccDecoderPacket_Handler(int address, boolean activate, byte data)
// Convert NMRA packet address format to human address
address -= 1;
address *= 4;
address += 1;
address += (data & 0x06) >> 1;

boolean enable = (data & 0x01) ? 1 : 0;

for(int i=0; i<maxaccessories; i++)
if( address == accessory[i].address )
if( enable ) accessory[i].output = 1;
else accessory[i].output = 0;
} // END BasicAccDecoderPacket_Handler

// Setup (run once)
void setup()
DCC.SetBasicAccessoryDecoderPacketHandler(BasicAccDecoderPacket_Handler, true);
DCC.SetupDecoder( 0x00, 0x00, kDCC_INTERRUPT );
pinMode(2,INPUT_PULLUP); //Interrupt 0 with internal pull up resistor (can get rid of external 10k)
digitalWrite(13,HIGH); //turn off Arduino led at startup

for (int n=0; n<maxaccessories; n++) accessory[n].output = 0; //all servo's to min angle and functions to 0
} //END setup

// Main loop (run continuous)
void loop()
static int addr = 0;

DCC.loop(); // Loop DCC library

if( ++addr >= maxaccessories ) addr = 0; // Bump to next address to test

if (accessory[addr].output == 1)
if (!accessory[addr].highlow && !accessory[addr].finished)
accessory[addr].highlow = 1;
accessory[addr].offMilli = millis() + accessory[addr].durationMilli;
if (accessory[addr].highlow && millis() > accessory[addr].offMilli)
accessory[addr].highlow = 0;
accessory[addr].finished = true;
accessory[addr].finished2 = false;

else // output==0
accessory[addr].finished = false;
if (!accessory[addr].highlow2 && !accessory[addr].finished2)
accessory[addr].highlow2 = 1;
accessory[addr].offMilli = millis() + accessory[addr].durationMilli;
if (accessory[addr].highlow2 && millis() > accessory[addr].offMilli)
accessory[addr].highlow2 = 0;
accessory[addr].finished2 = true;

if (accessory[addr].highlow) digitalWrite( accessory[addr].outputPin, LOW);
else digitalWrite( accessory[addr].outputPin, HIGH);
if (accessory[addr].highlow2) digitalWrite( accessory[addr].outputPin2,LOW);
else digitalWrite( accessory[addr].outputPin2, HIGH);

} //END loop


Como se puede observar como mucho para un Arduino UNO R3, solamente se pueden controlar 8 desvios

Alguien podria indicarme si se utiliza un" modulo Controlador de servos PCA9685", pues no veo en la declaracion del principio del programa la llamada a las librerias.

Tambien me gustaria conocer el esquema de trabajao con su cableado desde el Arduino.

Y conocer si se utiliza otro tipo de tablero que no sea el UNO R3.

Gracias por la atencion prestada.

Saludos cordiales.


Mensajes: 805
Ubicación: Zaragoza
Registrado: 07 Oct 2008 21:26
El sketch esta modificado del original para Arduino UNO en el que se contemplan un maximo de 8 desvios (accessory[0] a accessory[7]) usando para ello 5 de los pines analogicos (14 al 18). Alguien ha modificado el sketc para ampliarlo hasta los 10 desvios (accessory[8] y accessory[9]) lo cual no es posible con el "UNO" supongo que al modificarlo estan usando una placa Arduino "MEGA" que dispone de un total de 54 pines de salida (15 analogicos).

Lo mejor es que te vayas a la fuente original (que puedes localizar a través del encabezado del programa y que es https://rudysmodelrailway.wordpress.com/software/ concretamente en "Arduino DCC, S88, and more Download link" donde estan los sketchs de varios decoders y otros circuitos y en concreto el del decoder para desvios de solenoide (lo puedes descargar directamente de https://www.dropbox.com/s/qkhrc147m38ll ... 8.zip?dl=0)

Mensajes: 22
Registrado: 12 Dic 2018 13:30
Gracias por la información renfe276, seguire el enlace pues la verdad es que lo descargue y no sabia de donde.

Saludos Cordiales



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