Índice general Foros Digital, Electricidad e Informática Diferencias entre Traincontroller gold, silver y bronze

Diferencias entre Traincontroller gold, silver y bronze

Moderador: 241-2001

Mensajes: 735
Ubicación: Valencia
Registrado: 31 Ago 2008 21:28
Hola a todos:

Alguien me podría explicar las diferencias que hay entre el traincontroller gold, silver y bronce.
Es justificable tanta diferencia de precio.
El bronce ya se que es muy cortito (aunque no se cuanta diferencia hay con el silver); pero entre éste y el gold... ¿vale la pena pagar 200 € mas?

Un saludo

Mensajes: 735
Ubicación: Valencia
Registrado: 31 Ago 2008 21:28
¿Nadie tiene estos programas?

Mensajes: 610
Ubicación: Molina de Segura (Murcia)
Registrado: 17 Feb 2009 23:26
Sacado del manual de traincontroller http://www.freiwald.com/software/Manual.pdf.

TrainController™ is offered in three variants:
• TrainController™ Bronze provides a low-cost entry into computer controlled model railroads. It is primarily designed for users with small and medium size layouts and average requirements. Novice users, who do not know TrainControl-ler™, may consider doing their first steps with TrainController™ Bronze. The re-duced functionality of this variant makes it easier to identify and to learn the basic functions of TrainController™.
• TrainController™ Silver is the successor of the established and well-known ver-sion TrainController™ 5. It is primarily designed for advanced users with upmar-ket requirements and owners of layouts of all sizes. While TrainController™ 5 was already outstanding with regard to functionality, ease of use and quality, the improvements introduced in TrainController™ Version 7 strengthen the leading position of TrainController™ Silver compared to the available competitors.
• TrainController™ Gold is the flagship of the TrainController™ family and in a class of its own. TrainController™ Gold is primarily designed for users with su-preme requirements, who want to operate their layout like the real professionals. While TrainController™ Silver is already able to operate even very large layouts, TrainController™ Gold provides much more convenience, efficiency and security for design and operation – especially for larger layouts.

Mensajes: 735
Ubicación: Valencia
Registrado: 31 Ago 2008 21:28
Gracias Pnia por la información.

Ya solo me falta probar el windigipet ¿sabeis donde se puede conseguir una demo?

Mensajes: 19
Registrado: 26 Sep 2009 17:15
Has probado iTrain? está en cristiano! Y es muy facil de usar. Prueba la versión demo y lo comprobaras.


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